Thursday, 5 May 2016

Why Doesn't She Leave?

Domestic violence. Not a topic I usually cover, but dear to my heart.

There was a vigil in Melbourne last night, and in other Australian cities, as family members and others recalled the hundreds of women and children who have lost their lives to violence in the home.

It so happens that I've just finished reading 'Why Doesn't She Leave?' by Marion Hosking. Everyone should read this powerful book which describes the establishment of a 'safe house' at Taree and explains the psychology behind this type of violence. My cousin's partner Leonie McGuire features strongly in the book, being a former manager of 'Lyn's Place' at Taree, the Manning District Emergency Accommodation centre for women & children who are victims of domestic violence.

I was shocked to read that this essential, highly successful and effective service at Taree has been closed down, in effect, by the NSW Government. Read all about the circumstances here. Rosie Batty, eat your heart out. As Hosking's book says, as a society we do more to protect our animals from cruelty than we do to protect women & children.

What is wrong with our governments? Constant churning and disruption, akin to shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic, does not solve pressing community problems. Services like 'Lyn's Place' were a shining example, a role model, with the blueprint all laid out. As the Mortein ads used to say, 'when you're on a good thing, stick to it.'

Hopefully more politicians, their minders & advisers and top public servants everywhere will take note of the state government's actions in Victoria, where the current Premier and Police Commissioner are finally 'doing something' constructive about domestic violence. In many more ways than this, Victoria is definitely 'The Place to Be' in Australia right now.

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